Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy Moba Radar Games


Moba Radar Games upholds strict measures to safeguard the privacy rights of our users. This section outlines the methods through which we gather, utilize, oversee, and secure user data, which may include personal information. This data can be provided by the user in any ways like our website (“”) or Moba Radar Games mobile games on either Google Play Store, Amazon or iOS App Store. This Policy applies solely to Information that is received or collected by Moba Radar Games through any Service that you have utilized.

By utilizing the service, you indicate your acceptance of this Policy; if you do not agree with the Policy, kindly refrain from using the Service.

Below is How Moba Radar Games collect and use your data

User Provided Information. We obtain certain information when you provide it to us: for example, if you setup your account profile, participate in a discussion board or report a problem on one of the Websites, you may provide your name, email address, your date of birth, photograph, and a list of interests such as your favorite music and television shows. Some of that information can be used by Moba Radar Games to identify or contact you directly and is sometimes referred to as personally identifiable information.

Information from Use of our Services. Moba Radar Games also gathers non-personally identifiable information from Users of our Services. Non-personally identifiable information is information that usually cannot by itself be used to identify a particular person or entity and may include: the Internet Protocol (IP) address, unique device identifiers, anonymous IDs for advertising, operating system, mobile network information, browser type, existing applications, browsing activity and non-precise device location information (e.g., city or region). Moba Radar Games may enable you to send messages to other Users in the Moba Radar Games community. We ordinarily don’t read the content of these messages unless we reasonably believe the Service is being misused or as required by law; we keep track of the number of messages sent and similar information to keep our Services running smoothly.

Location. Depending on the provider, we may automatically receive general location information when you use our Services. In the future, if we begin to offer Services that use technology that pinpoints precise geolocation, we will ensure that we have your consent (an opt-in) before doing so. We may use and store this information to provide enhanced location-based Services as well as to serve location-targeted advertising without your express opt-in, which includes communication to third party Services providers who have agreed with Moba Radar Games to keep such information confidential and only use such information to the extent necessary to perform the Services as required by Moba Radar Games.


User Provided Information. The information provided by the user is utilized by us to deliver the requested products and services, manage the user's account, offer customer support, communicate about relevant products or services, and ensure compliance with the Services' rules. Rest assured; we do not disclose personally identifiable information to third parties.


Moba Radar Games reserves the right to use and disclose the collected, non-personal data for purposes of advertising by Moba Radar Games.

Moba Radar Games might utilize third-party ad serving technologies that employ specific methods to gather information when serving ads through Services.

Moba Radar Games or third parties operating the ad serving technology may use demographic and geo-location information as well as information logged from your hardware or device to ensure that relevant advertising is presented within the Service. Moba Radar Games or third parties may collect and use data, for such purposes, including but not limited to, data such as IP address, Device ID, MAC address, installed software, application usage data, hardware type, Operating System information, browser information, unique identifiers in browser cookies, Flash cookies, and HTML5 local storage, Internet and on-line usage information and in-game information.

The foregoing data may be used and disclosed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the privacy policy of the company providing the ad serving technology.

It is important to understand that the links provided above may not encompass all advertising partners associated with Moba Radar Games, and you may still encounter certain behaviorally targeted advertisements. To ensure that you do not receive any behaviorally targeted ads, it is advisable to refrain from using or accessing the Services.

Some services may include the use of in-game advertisements or brand placement. Such ads or sponsorships will be noted as such within the services. Additionally, please note that if you “opt out” it does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising. It just means that the advertising you see displayed will not be customized to you and your interests and may be less relevant to you.

Certain advertisers within our network may offer the option to acquire premium in-game content. To enable the acquisition of such content, our advertisers and their affiliates may gather extra data. It is important to be aware that this data may be utilized in compliance with the privacy policy of the advertiser, which could differ from the Privacy Policy of Moba Radar Games.


As reasonably necessary to provide services to you, Moba Radar Games may share non-personally identifying information or personally identifying information with its partners or affiliates, and also with third party vendors.

Moba Radar Games reserves the right to share your information with third parties as required or allowed by law, as well as to look into, prevent, or address suspected or actual unlawful activities, such as fraud, and situations that pose potential threats to anyone's physical safety. Additionally, we may disclose non-personally identifiable information gathered to third parties for legitimate reasons.

Finally, Moba Radar Games may transfer information, including any personally identifiable information, to a successor entity (or potential buyer) in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets, bankruptcy, or other corporate change.


You may have the right to request access to personally identifiable information that is maintained about you, with certain exceptions as stipulated by the relevant data protection legislation. To exercise this right, please reach out to us at the address provided below, ensuring that you include “personal information request” in the subject line.

In addition, you may at any time review or change your personally identifiable information by contacting us at Upon your request via email, we will deactivate or delete your account and contact information from our active databases in accordance with our deactivation policy and applicable law. Please note that we may be obligated to keep some of all of your information on our servers even after you’ve deleted your account.


We implement appropriate electronic, personnel, and physical safeguards to protect information from loss, theft, alteration, or misuse. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that no security measures can completely eradicate all risks. We cannot assure that access to your information will be restricted solely to authorized individuals. Furthermore, we disclaim any responsibility for the actions of third parties who may bypass privacy settings or security protocols.


We do not knowingly collect or store personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 unless or except as permitted by law. If we are made aware that we have received personally identifiable information from someone under 13, Moba Radar Games will use reasonable efforts to remove that information from our records.


Moba Radar Games reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at its own discretion. All modifications will be documented here, with the date of the new versions clearly indicated at the top of the policy. Minor adjustments will be effective immediately, while significant changes will come into effect within 30 days of being published on the respective website or mobile application. In cases of substantial alterations, we may opt to notify all registered users via email, although this decision is entirely up to us. The most recent revision date will always be visible on this page. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, kindly refrain from using or accessing Moba Radar Games. Should you disagree with any future amendments, you are required to cancel your registration with Moba Radar Games.
